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Aventra MyEID PKI Card is a cryptographic smart card conforming to common Public Key Infrastructure standards like ISO/IEC-7816 and PKCS#15v1.0 specification. It can be used for various tasks requiring strong cryptography, e. g. logging securely to Windows, encrypting e-mail, authentication, and electronic signatures. The card is also available as a Dual Interface version, compatible with T=CL protocol and also emulating Mifare™. The card is a JavaCard with Aventra MyEID applet that implements the functionality.
The applet implements the FINEID S1 v1.12 specification and it can be configured to include all or any subset of the features specified in FINEID S4-1 or S4-2 specifications. Starting from version 2.2.0 the applet supports both 1024 and 2048 bit RSA keys. From version 3.0.0 (MyEID3) the applet supports keys from 512 bit up to 2048 bit in increments of 64 bits. The applet is fully compatible with JavaCard 2.1.1 and GlobalPlatform 2.0.1 specifications. The new MyEID version 3 (MyEID3) is now released and it uses the new JavaCard 2.2.1 and GlobalPlatform 2.1.1 platform. The new MyEID3 now supports RSA keys from 512 up to 2048 bits in 64 bit increments. MyEID3 supports file sizes up to 32767 bytes and 14 different PIN-codes can be created and used. The number of RSA keys is only limited by the available memory and maximum numbers of files (see PUT DATA: INITIALISE APPLET).
The most relevant specifications and standards are:
This document describes the functionality provided by the Aventra smartcard - which is a PKI container - on the T1C-GCL (Generic Connector Library) implemented version:
Contains the 'authentication certificate' stored on the smart card. The 'authentication certificate' contains the public key corresponding to the private RSA authentication key. The 'authentication certificate' is needed for pin validation, authentication and signing.
Contains the 'non-repudiation certificate' stored on the smart card. The 'non-repudiation certificate' contains the public key corresponding the private RSA non-repudiation key.
The expected response for these calls should be in the following format;
{ success:true, data: {"verfied": true }}
To sign data, an algorithm must be specified in the algorithm property (see Supported Algorithms), and a Base64-encoded string representation of the digest bytes of the same algorithm in the data property.
Additionally, it is possible to bulk sign data without having to re-enter the PIN by adding an optional bulk parameter set to true to the request. Subsequent sign requests will not require the PIN to be re-entered until a request with bulk being set to false is sent, or the Bulk PIN Reset method is called.
When using bulk signing, great care must be taken to validate that the first signature request was successful prior to sending subsequent requests. Failing to do this will likely result in the card being blocked.
With the function signRaw you can sign unhashed document data. This means that the Trust1Connector will hash the value itself depending on the provided sign algorithm.
Trust1Connector only supports SHA2 hashing at this point.
When using SHA3, the Trust1Connector will convert to SHA2 implicitly
Below you can find an example
var data = {"algorithm":"sha256","data":"vl5He0ulthjX+VWNM46QX7vJ8VvXMq2k/Tq8Xq1bwEw=","osDialog":false,"id":"1ooidifhv183"}aventra.signRaw(data, callback);
The function looks the same as a regular sign operation but expects a base64 data object that is unhashed.
Supported hash functions (SHA2) are;
Bulk PIN Reset
The PIN set for bulk signing can be reset by calling this method.
The module allows you to call a function on the token that can validate a signature. For this we need to use the validateSignature function. You can call this one via;
constbody= {"algorithm":'sha256',"hash":'...',"signedHash":'...',"osDialog":false,"id":'cert_id',"pin":'pin_code',"timeout":120//timeout in seconds}safenet.validateSignature(body).then(response => {response.valid).catch(error => {errorHandler(error)})
The response of this function will return a valid property that is either true or false.