Status codes / error handeling


In the Trust1Connector V3 we've completely reworked the error system. The goal of this system is to have error codes which are easy to read, understand and integrate. Our first implementation was a very generic approach with as few error codes as possible.

After some iterations of the Trust1Connector we've discovered that the old error system did not suffice the needs of integrators. So we've upgraded the system to be more consistent and extensive. This provides integrators the flexibility to have a very detailed error handeling system while keeping it easy to understand and read.

The new system provides information about the origin, type and detailed information of the error. We maintained the same type (integers) as our previous error codes, this makes it easier to differentiate them.

Status Codes

T1C uses response codes when handling a request.

In case of an error the response will contain a body with more detailed information about the error:

  description: "some error description",
  code: "some error code"

Error format

Error codes will be in the following number format XXXXXX for example 201010 is an error code that depicts an error occurred with the reader in the Transaction service.

The first digit depicts the Origin of that error, values can be the following;

The following 2 digits describe the type of error;

Finally we have 3 digits that give a more detailed error. These will give you more information about the specific error-case. Currently we have the following exceptions that can be thrown.

Codes to expect

The following list are codes that you can expect.

General / Controller

Aventry My Id 4

Oberthur 7.3

Idemia cosmo 8.2







File exchange

Error codes coming from v2

Simple error handeling

The most simple way you can check the error codes is by only taking into account the latest 3 digits. The first 3 digits provide information about the Context and environment

Last updated