Card Readers and Tokens

The Readers-menu provides an overview of all detected system tokens

Card Readers

When one or more readers are connected to the device, the application will display an overview with basic card reader or physical token information.

The table informs about the following reader semantics:


Reader name

Displays the system reader name, and the reader technical id (the reader-id used when interacting programmatically)


Lists all the modules available. A module is selected automatically when a card is detected and recognized. For more information on module selection and override, read:Card ATR

Proposed Modules

The module proposed by the Trust1Connector. When a card is recognized, the proposed schema for card interaction is selected by setting the inferred module. The proposed module has an identifier which can be used as module selector during integration and an optional description upon recognition


Shows when the card reader has a pinpad, inferred by the Trust1Connector. Unrecognized readers can be added to the connector if needed

Card Inserted

Determines when a smart card or token has been found for the reader. This can be a smart card in a reader device, or a token including an embedded secured element


Actions allowed on the selected reader. When selected, a full dump of a token will be started with the targetted connector

Card ATR

The card ATR (ref: - Answer-To-Reset) is used to determine the smart card schema which can be used with the Trust1Connector.

When a card is unknown to the connector, a module can be proposed. This will trigger an override for the selected token. The connector will load the correct module to parse the card information and execute the use cases using the selected module.

There are no guarantees on a correct execution when 'module-override' has been altered. This is used most of the time to verify if an ATR can be forceably read and only when the user has kowledge on how smart cards and physical tokens are technically working.

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