Windows launcher
When installing the Trust1Connector you will have a launcher executable. This executable takes care of a couple of things;
Starting the Trust1Connector
Stopping the Trust1Connector
Migration (makes sure file-exchange is kept between installation)
Below you can find an output of the flags and options that can be used;
Start the Trust1Connector
To start the trust1connector you can execute the following, be aware that the command option depends on which environment you have installed. Below you can find in comments which environment will be triggered.
When the start command is executed the Trust1Connector will first stop the running instances before starting.
Running the launcher as a different environment from which you have installed will not work
Stop the Trust1Connector
Similar like starting the Trust1Connector you can manually stop this. This is done via the -s
Running the launcher as a different environment from which you have installed will not work
Migration is a function that will make sure that some data is retained between installation, such as the file-exchange configuration.
This function is automatically executed when uninstalling the Trust1Connector.
We do not advise to run this on your own as this can impact the running installation
If you need to run this you can do the following commmands, here again it depends on the environment option
MacOS launcher
When installing the Trust1Connector you will have a launcher executable. This executable takes care of a couple of things;
Starting the Trust1Connector
Stopping the Trust1Connector
Migration (makes sure file-exchange is kept between installation)
MacOS launcher has the same functionality but works differently in the background. It will use launchd
to start/run the Connector.
Below you can find an output of the flags and options that can be used;
Start the Trust1Connector
To start the trust1connector you can execute the following, be aware that the command option depends on which environment you have installed. Below you can find in comments which environment will be triggered.
When the start command is executed the Trust1Connector will first stop the running instances before starting.
Running the launcher as a different environment from which you have installed will not work
Stop the Trust1Connector
Similar like starting the Trust1Connector you can manually stop this. This is done via the -s
Running the launcher as a different environment from which you have installed will not work
Migration is a function that will make sure that some data is retained between installation, such as the file-exchange configuration.
This function is automatically executed when uninstalling the Trust1Connector.
We do not advise to run this on your own as this can impact the running installation
If you need to run this you can do the following commmands, here again it depends on the environment option
Check if the Trust1Connector is running via launchd
If you want to check if the launchd API is running you can do the following;
The output will have 3 parameters;
PID of the running instance, will be 0 if not running
Error code of the instance, will be 0 if none
name of the launchd program
If you have an error code and the PID is 0, please contact support.
An error code can occur and will remain visible in the launchctl command. As long as the instance has a valid PID it means the Trust1Connector is running as expected.
That error code can indicate a crash from the past.
Last updated
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