The Trust1Validation and its utilities can also be run in standalone mode. Standalone mode in this case means you can run the services locally on your Windows machine.
Trust1Validation service
The digital trust service is a service that provides functionalities to digitally sign documents. It also provides a User Interface where a signed document can be validated but also verify certificates.
Via the User Interface reports can be downloaded in PDF format or printed out.
Downloading the service
Compared to bare-metal installation the procedure is simplified as the Tomcat Server is included in this application.
You can download the Sources which include the Trust1Validation service here.
Once you have downloaded and extracted the sources you will have the following files presented.
Running the service
Continuing from the previous step you will have a Webapp-Startup.bat and a Webapp-Shutdown.bat file. These are quite self explanatory.
In Windows you can double-click the Webapp-Startup.bat file to start the Apache Tomcat server with the Trust1Validation service included. You should see an output similar to this.
As you are also able to see in the logs the Server starts on the port 8080 on your localhost (
To see the web application you can simply go to http://localhost:8080 in a webbrowser. You should see this UI (depending on the branding the colors and text can be slightly different).
The port on which the service runs can be updated, for this you can request Trust1Team for an update.
Custom properties
Inside the Apache Tomcat server the Trust1Validation service is hosted. This service has specific properties that can be set and overridden.
To override these you can update the file located in apache-tomcat-8.5.95/lib/
By default the following properties are loaded;
# JDBC database config
datasource.jdbc.enabled = true
datasource.driver.class = org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
datasource.url = jdbc:hsqldb:mem:testdb
datasource.username = sa
datasource.password =
# Cache config (values in seconds)
cache.expiration = 86400 = 600 = 10800 = 60 = 180
# EU LOTL config
oj.content.keystore.type = PKCS12
oj.content.keystore.filename = keystore.p12
oj.content.keystore.password = dss-password
current.oj.url =
current.lotl.url = = EU
# AdES LOTL config
# Server signing token
dss.server.signing.keystore.type = PKCS12
dss.server.signing.keystore.filename = user_a_rsa.p12
dss.server.signing.keystore.password = password
tsp-source = classpath:config/tsp-config.xml
# LOTL/TLs loading = true = 0 = 3600000
# File size limit
multipart.maxFileSize = 52428800
multipart.maxInMemorySize = 52428800
# default validation policy (in dss-policy-jaxb/src/main/resources/)
default.validation.policy = policy/constraint.xml
# validation policy for a certificate validation (in dss-policy-jaxb/src/main/resources/)
default.certificate.validation.policy = policy/certificate-constraint.xml
# Custom trusted key store
trusted.source.keystore.type = PKCS12
trusted.source.keystore.filename = keystore.p12
trusted.source.keystore.password = dss-password
# Custom trusted adjacent key store
trusted.source.keystore-intermediate.type = PKCS12
trusted.source.keystore-intermediate.filename = keystore-intermediate.p12
trusted.source.keystore-intermediate.password = dss-password
# CommonsDataLoader configuration (timeouts in milliseconds)
dataloader.connection.timeout = 5000
dataloader.connection.request.timeout = 5000
dataloader.redirect.enabled = true
# Defines a number of secure validation tests to be performed on imported RSA keys (disabled by default, use value '1' or higher to enable)
bc.rsa.max_mr_tests = 0
proxy.http.enabled = false =
#proxy.http.scheme =
#proxy.http.port = 0
#proxy.http.user =
#proxy.http.password =
#proxy.http.exclude =
# e.g.: proxy.http.exclude =,
proxy.https.enabled = false =
#proxy.https.scheme =
#proxy.https.port = 0
#proxy.https.user =
#proxy.https.password =
#proxy.https.exclude =
# e.g.: proxy.https.exclude =,
cxf.debug = true
cxf.mtom.enabled = true = false
nexuVersion = 1.
dssVersion = ${project.version}
# (old link)
tl.browser.root.url =
# Default digest algo to be checked in the web interface
default.digest.algo = SHA256
# Defines the "SameSite" parameter value for "Set-Cookie" header = strict
# Defines the "X-Content-Security-Policy" header value = default-src 'self' ${nexuUrl} 'unsafe-inline' data:;
Trust1Validation Utility service
The digital trust service utilities is a extension on the digital trust service. This provide functionalities like PDF/A validation.
Downloading the service
When you download the sources, this service will also be included. The contents of this service look like the following
The bin folder contains the executable and the accompanying bat file which can be used to run the service in Windows.
The conf folder contains all the configuration for the service.
This service is only used for PDF/A validation.
Running the service
To run the service in Windows you can double-click the .bat file which will start the service on port 9000 . The output will look similar to this.
Custom configuration
In the configuration folder you can update the application.conf which is configuration related to the web-service.
DSS related configuration in this service is unused and deprecated.