Trust1Connector support

Information that can be gathered when support is requested

Log files

The Trust1Connector has multiple log files. These can be found in the Trust1Connector folder.



The log files are named;

  • t1c-api.log -> Log files of the API

  • t1c-reg.log -> Log files of the Registry

  • sandbox_log.txt -> Log files of the Sandbox

  • t1c-launch.log -> launcher log


~/Library/Application Support/Trust1Team/Trust1Connector

The log files are named;

  • t1c-api.log -> Log files of the API

  • t1c-reg.log -> Log files of the Registry

  • sandbox_log.txt -> Log files of the Sandbox

  • t1c-launch.log -> launcher log

Log rotation

The API and Registry log files are saved up to 5MB of size. When this treshold is reached it will keep exactly 1 copy of that log file with the .old extension appended so that the API or registry can create a fresh log file.

This until the original log file reaches the 5MB treshold again which will overwrite the .old

This means that the Trust1Connector can hold a maximum of 10MB log data for the API and the registry.

Trust1Connector status

The url below is applicable to the Production version of the Trust1Connector distributed by Trust1Team. If you have a different Trust1Connector, distributed by a different provider, please contact that provider for the correct information.

Open a browser of you preference and navigate to

The output will either be a error that the page cannot be loaded ( in this case the Trust1Connector is not running ) or it will show something similar to the screenshot below;

When the page has opened, you can right click on the page and save the page. This will correctly save the output which you can add to the logfile information

Browser HAR output

Open the developer tools & the network tab before executing the use-case, so it can capture the necessary network information.

As a final step it can be interesting to see what the endpoints are that are being executed from the web application. This could expose other issues such as network timeout, CORS issues, ...

Open developer tools

The developer tools can be opened by right clicking on the web page and clicking Inpect

This will open a window to the side or the bottom with some tools of the browser.

This will look similar to the following

On the top we need to open the network tools.

To export a HAR file you can click the arrow down button highlighted in the screenshot below

Save this file on your system and add it to the information gathered above (log files & info endpoint response)

Last updated

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