Trust1Connector v3 Release Documentation
A Word of Introduction
The Trust1Connector is a technical product that aims to make all hardware tokens, used for authentication and digital signing, interoperable in a web environment. No operating system dependencies to take into account, no browser dependencies, and compatible with smart-card readers, contactless readers and pin-pad readers/terminals.
Our mission is straight forward our focus is to enable secured communication, from a web application, to a desktop device, in the world of person identity, mainly for the following use cases:
Read token information (personal info, ICAO, ...)
Read certificates, certificate chains or certificate information
Verify a known password (PIN, PUK, CAN, ...)
Authenticate using a hash
Digitally sign a hash
Our mission is to add all token profiles we find in B2C and B2B, government, banking, insurance, health, ...
This library is an SDK meant for fast integration in a web application. We promote although the use of the REST API. After installation of the middleware, from an application perspective, you can consume the functionalities as you do with other microservices. The application will need any REST client, in any language to enable all card communication functionalities.
As the connector exists for more than 5 years, Trust1Team decided to enhance the design, security, functionalities, ... and to incorporate all feedback of existing partners into the Trust1Connector v3.
The library has evolved as a technology product for smart card communication to a framework of secured communication from a browser to any hardware device. In our eco-system we have implemented communication to various printers, signature tablets, biometric devices etc.
During the years, the Trust1Connector has evolved from a product to be installed on standalone dekstops to a product which can be used on shared environments such as Citrix, XenApp, ...
In order to guarantee secured communication, former versions needed a user to have administrator rights during the installation. From this release on, the solution runs completely in user space, sandboxed and hardened. No user data is compromised and thus the solution is GDPR compliant.
Characteristics of Trust1Connector
The following list describes the characteristics of the Trust1Connector:
Browser independent (no impact upon browser update)
No need for browser plugin
Based on official communication standards, security standards and regulations
No additional software needed, the middleware includes it's own dependencies
Recoverability build-in, preventive checks and tamper-proof
Coops with multiple card readers/terminals (contact and contactless)
Coops with multiple card types (we call it card application profiles)
Extendable and secured framework, we are open to add any card the business needs on our platform
Installers for all supported versions of Mac, Windows and Linux
Installers for Citrix, XenApp or other shared environments
Last updated
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