Authenticated client


The Trust1Connector API requires a valid JWT token to be provided in the Authorization header. This JWT token can be retrieved by asking the Distribution Service to generate a token for a specific API-key. It is important that this API-key is not exposed in the front-end application as this is a security violation.

When you've received a valid JWT token from the DS you can provide this into the configuration object when initialising the Trust1Connector JS client.

// Config object definition
export class T1CConfigOptions {
    public t1cApiUrl?: string,
    public t1cApiPort?: string,
    public t1cProxyUrl?: string,
    public t1cProxyPort?: string,
    public dsUrl?: string,
    public jwt?: string
  ) {}

// example
const configoptions = new T1CSdk.T1CConfigOptions(
config = new T1CSdk.T1CConfig(configoptions);

When using the Trust1Connector Javascript SDK the Authorization header is automatically populated with the JWT provided while initialising.

When the Token has expired there is a function which you can call to provide a new token and which will in turn return an updated client to be used.

Retrieving a JWT token

Retrieving a valid JWT token happens via the DS. When passing a valid API-key to header of the endpoint {{ds-url}}/v3/tokens/application (GET) you wil in turn receive a valid JWT token.

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'apikey: your-api-key'

Example response

    "success": true,
    "data": "eyJraWQiOiJ0MWNkcyIsImFsZyI6IlJTMjU2In0.eyJpc3MiOiJ0MWNkcy1hcHAiLCJzdWIiOiJkZXZlbG9wbWVudCIsImV4cCI6MTU5OTA1MTExMywiaWF0IjoxNTk5MDQ5OTEzLCJuYmYiOjE1OTkwNDk5MDh9.LE_AdYv9PWxqSRm6-lkV_3TxInCqbf_hTwHFKCFfYwkuzex6AMkeW6FaVCOxu-EBU158S2g70i4VBpeT2TAr0IoOyjK-nalvVG5aB9MwidZMtiPlidcUfsDhsyhbhwqlhI2dzB5J5KsBmvZwpoG-Pg2koUSidruixg3SxRrCMotBRlRNKItnYgfs6_wvd_OOLXs2OlufYOD876MWcJymBK48wf9ESQ50clR3zwPAQsNnXFq2Augk0gOlCgWO1--WgaFeMnBF28b7genZXIkwZCfT82nRYtiOs0zLK2WtyireTHDgjIZif4nX8pggE7t_63Hbv8wCvv8_Mg2PfdhCMQ"

Refresh JWT token

A JWT token is only valid for a certain period. After this period the API will return an error. At this point you need to request a new JWT token to be able to communicate with the API.

In the T1C JS SDK there is a function which you can use to re-initalise the client with a new valid JWT token.

The updateJWT function can be found in the Core service. After initialising you can retrieve the core as follows:

const configoptions = new T1CSdk.T1CConfigOptions(
config = new T1CSdk.T1CConfig(configoptions);

T1CSdk.T1CClient.initialize(config).then(res => {
        client = res;
        console.log("Client config: ", client.localConfig)
        core = client.core();
    }, err => {});

The function's interface is as follows;

updateJWT(jwt: string, callback?: (error: T1CLibException, data?: T1CClient) => void): Promise<T1CClient>

This function returns an updated client which you can continue to use for your desired use-cases.

Last updated

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