Idemia Cosmo One v8.2


The ID-One Cosmo V8-n is part of the Idemia IAS ECC family of cryptographic modules called ID-One Cosmo V8. Modules within this family share the same functionalities and the description of the ID-One Cosmo V8 applies to all versions including the “-n” subject to this validation. This document describes the functionality provided by the Idemia IAS ECC ID-One smartcard - which is a PKI container - on the T1C-GCL (Generic Connector Library) implemented version:

  • ID-One Cosmo V8-n; FIPS 140-2 Security Policy


export interface AbstractIdemia {
    allCertFilters(): string[];
    allKeyRefs(): string[];
    allCerts(parseCerts?: boolean, filters?: string[] | Options, callback?: (error: T1CLibException, data: TokenAllCertsResponse) => void): Promise<TokenAllCertsResponse>;
    tokenData(callback?: (error: T1CLibException, data: TokenDataResponse) => void): Promise<TokenDataResponse>;
    rootCertificate(parseCerts?: boolean, callback?: (error: T1CLibException, data: TokenCertificateResponse) => void): Promise<TokenCertificateResponse>;
    authenticationCertificate(parseCerts?: boolean, callback?: (error: T1CLibException, data: TokenCertificateResponse) => void): Promise<TokenCertificateResponse>;
    nonRepudiationCertificate(parseCerts?: boolean, callback?: (error: T1CLibException, data: TokenCertificateResponse) => void): Promise<TokenCertificateResponse>;
    encryptionCertificate(parseCerts?: boolean, callback?: (error: T1CLibException, data: TokenCertificateResponse) => void): Promise<TokenCertificateResponse>;
    issuerCertificate(parseCerts?: boolean, callback?: (error: T1CLibException, data: TokenCertificateResponse) => void): Promise<TokenCertificateResponse>
    verifyPin(body: TokenVerifyPinData, callback?: (error: T1CLibException, data: TokenVerifyPinResponse) => void): Promise<TokenVerifyPinResponse>;
    authenticate(body: TokenAuthenticateOrSignData, callback?: (error: T1CLibException, data: TokenAuthenticateResponse) => void): Promise<TokenAuthenticateResponse>;
    sign(body: TokenAuthenticateOrSignData, bulk?: boolean, callback?: (error: T1CLibException, data: TokenSignResponse) => void): Promise<TokenSignResponse>;
    allAlgoRefs(callback?: (error: T1CLibException, data: TokenAlgorithmReferencesResponse) => void): Promise<TokenAlgorithmReferencesResponse>
    resetBulkPin(callback?: (error: T1CLibException, data: BoolDataResponse) => void): Promise<BoolDataResponse>;


All model information can be found in the Token typings model page


Create the Idemia module

T1cSdk.initialize(config).then(res => {
    const idemia = res.client.createIdemia(readerId);
}, err => {

When initialisation is finished you can continue using the aventra object to execute the functions below.

All certificate filters

idemia.allCertFilters().then(res => {
}, err => {

The expected response for this call should be;

    success: true,
    data: ['rootCertificate', 'authenticationCertificate', 'encryptionCertificate', 'nonRepudiationCertificate', 'issuerCertificate']

all Key references

idemia.allKeyRefs().then(res => {
}, err => {

The expected response for this call should be;

    success: true,
    data: ['authenticate', 'sign', 'encrypt']

all Certificates

When additional parsing of the certificate is needed you can add a boolean to indicate if you want to parse the certificate or not.

const filter = ['rootCertificate', 'authenticationCertificate', 'encryptionCertificate'];
idemia.allCerts(filter).then(res => {
}, err => {

The expected response for this call should be;

    success: true,
    data: {
       authenticationCertificate?: {
             certificate?: string,
             certificates?: Array<string>,
             certificateType?: string,
             id?: string,
             parsedCertificate?: Certificate,
             parsedCertificates?: Array<Certificate>
       citizenCertificate?: {
             certificate?: string,
             certificates?: Array<string>,
             certificateType?: string,
             id?: string,
             parsedCertificate?: Certificate,
             parsedCertificates?: Array<Certificate>
       nonRepudiationCertificate?: {
             certificate?: string,
             certificates?: Array<string>,
             certificateType?: string,
             id?: string,
             parsedCertificate?: Certificate,
             parsedCertificates?: Array<Certificate>
       rootCertificate?: {
             certificate?: string,
             certificates?: Array<string>,
             certificateType?: string,
             id?: string,
             parsedCertificate?: Certificate,
             parsedCertificates?: Array<Certificate>
       encryptionCertificate?: {
             certificate?: string,
             certificates?: Array<string>,
             certificateType?: string,
             id?: string,
             parsedCertificate?: Certificate,
             parsedCertificates?: Array<Certificate>

Token data

This will return information of the Aventra card.

idemia.tokenData().then(res => {
}, err => {

The expected response for this call should be;

    success: true,
    data: {
       version?: string,
       serialNumber?: string,
       label?: string,
       changeCounter?: number,


When additional parsing of the certificate is needed you can add a boolean to indicate if you want to parse the certificate or not.

Root certificate

Contains the 'root certificate' stored on the smart card. The service can be called:

idemia.rootCertificate(parseCertsBoolean).then(res => {
}, err => {

Authentication certificate

Contains the 'authentication certificate' stored on the smart card. The 'authentication certificate' contains the public key corresponding to the private RSA authentication key. The 'authentication certificate' is needed for pin validation, authentication and singing. The service can be called:

idemia.authenticationCertificate(parseCertsBoolean).then(res => {
}, err => {

Non repudiation certificate

Contains the 'non-repudiation certificate' stored on the smart card. The 'non-repudiation certificate' contains the public key corresponding the private RSA non-repudiation key. The service can be called:

idemia.nonRepudiationCertificate(parseCertsBoolean).then(res => {
}, err => {

Issuer certificate

idemia.issuerCertificate(parseCertsBoolean).then(res => {
}, err => {

Encryption certificate

aventra.encryptionCertificate(parseCertsBoolean).then(res => {
}, err => {

The expected response for these calls should be in the following format;

    success: true,
    data: {
        certificate?: string,
        certificates?: Array<string>,
        certificateType?: string,
        id?: string

Verify pin

const data = {
    pin: "1234", // optional
    osDialog: true // optional
idemia.verifyPin(data).then(res => {
}, err => {

The expected response for these calls should be in the following format;

    success: true,
    data: {
        certificate?: string,
        certificates?: Array<string>,
        certificateType?: string,
        id?: string


Data can be signed using the smartcard. To do so, the SDK facilitates in:

  • Retrieving the certificate chain (root, intermediate and non-repudiation certificate)

  • Perform a sign operation (private key stays on the smart card)

  • Return the signed hash

To sign data, an algorithm must be specified in the algorithm property (see Supported Algorithms), and a Base64-encoded string representation of the digest bytes of the same algorithm in the data property.

Additionally, it is possible to bulk sign data without having to re-enter the PIN by adding an optional bulk parameter set to true to the request. Subsequent sign requests will not require the PIN to be re-entered until a request with bulk being set to false is sent, or the Bulk PIN Reset method is called.

const data = {
    algorithm: "sha256",
    data: "E1uHACbPvhLew0gGmBH83lvtKIAKxU2/RezfBOsT6Vs=",
    id: "123"
const bulk = false;
idemia.sign(data, bulk).then(res => {
}, err => {

The expected response for this call should be;

    success: true,
    data: {
        data: string

Bulk PIN Reset

The PIN set for bulk signing can be reset by calling this method.

idemia.resetBulkPin().then(res => {
}, err => {

Response will look like:

    "success": true,
    "data": true


The SDK is able to authenticate a card holder based on a challenge. The challenge can be:

  • provided by an external service

  • provided by the smart card An authentication can be interpreted as a signature use case, the challenge is signed data, that can be validated in a back-end process

const data = {
    algorithm: "sha256",
    data: "E1uHACbPvhLew0gGmBH83lvtKIAKxU2/RezfBOsT6Vs=",
    id: "123"
idemia.authenticate(data).then(res => {
}, err => {

The expected response for this call should be;

    success: true,
    data: {
        data: string

Retrieve supported algorithms

idemia.allAlgoRefs(data).then(res => {
}, err => {

The expected response for this call should be;

    success: true,
    data: {
        ref: ['sha256', 'md5']

Last updated

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