Trust1Gateway Introduction

The Trust1Gateway product is an open source API Gateway built from the ground as a light-weight API Gateway with ease of use from a developer perspective, fast, scalable and resilient. The Trust1Gateway contains a developer portal, API management dashboard and much more. The Trust1Gateway provides a REST API on a business level in order to expose and consume API's fast and easy.

The Trust1Gateway is made up from the following components:

  • Kong API Gateway (0.10.1)

  • Keycloak (3.4.3.Final)

  • Trust1Gateway Engine (v0.10.6)

  • A Publishing Front-end component

  • A Marketplace Front-end component

It uses components like Kong API Gateway, as the operational gateway built on NGINX; and Keycloak as the identity broker. The reason why Trust1Gateway integrated those components is to differentiate between:

  • API gateway use cases

  • IAM or IDP use cases

Both the API Gateway and IDP are orchestrated through the Trust1Gateway Engine. This in order to automate your product lifecycle completely or use the open source developer portals (marketplace and publisher). The Trust1Gateway Engine provides a higher level of services registered:

  • API versioning mechanism (deprecation, retirement, ..)

  • API management for multiple organisations

  • API branding

  • API information, notification and light-weight issues management

  • Marketplace management (multiple marketplaces can be provided depending on your needs)

  • Policy management and configuration on consumer, service and plan level

  • API monetisation (future versions)

  • Private and public API's

  • Extendible in terms of gateway plugins, or identity provider plugins

Last updated