Run the Trust1Gateway as a Container

We've made running the Trust1Gateway and all of its components as a Docker container a cinch for you.


  • If you aren't familiar with Docker, or haven't installed it yet, visit Docker's Guide and read up on it/install the appropriate version for your OS.

  • In order to function, the Trust1Gateway Docker Container requires the following ports to be available at a minimum:

    • 28080

    • 8000

    • 3000

    • 3003

Getting the Trust1Gateway Docker Container Running

1. Head on over to the Trust1Gateway Docker Hub 2. Take a look at the `Tags` tab to see what versions are available:

3. Pull the container to your machine by copy pasting the pull command below (or from Docker Hub)

docker pull trust1team/trust1gateway-with-ui

By default Docker will pull the version tagged as latest, but you can specify a different version if you wish.

In your console terminal or command prompt, you'll see something like this:

4. Once the image is downloaded, run it as a container by executing the following command:

docker run -dit -p -p -p -p -p -p -p -p -p -p --name t1g-ui trust1team/trust1gateway-with-ui

We'll briefly explain what the command line options mean:

After executing the command, you should see the following:

5. Let's verify the container is running. We can do this by executing the following command:

docker ps -a

You should see something similar to this:

6. Congratulations, you are now running the entire Trust1Gateway as a Docker container. Now let's look at the next chapters to see how we can use it.

Last updated