Source Code
The GCL is distributed through a Distribution Service. In order to use the Distribution Service, a valid api-key is needed. The JavaScript library is open source and distributed through:
Github repository
NPM package
Github Repository
T1C-Demo web application (TBD)
NPM Package
Bower can be used to add the T1C-JS package to your web application project:
Distribution Service API
Important to know that Trust1Connector
does NOT have any dependencies on Java Virtual Machine.
Build T1C-JS from source
Webpack is need to build the Javascript library
Typings must be installed for typing generation
For jQuery we need to install from dt source
Use npm install to download the necessary dependencies
Use gulp test to run the test suite of the project
To build the Javascript library:
Certificate functionality
The certificate parsing happens with PKI.js already but if you want more certificate functionality we recommend you use:
Last updated