Quick-Migration Guide
Sample code uses ES6 language features such as arrow functions and promises. For compatibility with IE11, code written with these features must be either transpiled using tools like Babel
or refactored accordingly using callbacks.
Migration from the v2 to the v3 of the Trust1Connector can be done in 2 ways;
Integration of the API
Integration via the deprecated Javascript SDK
Both are viable integrations but we strongly suggest to integrate via the API since the JS SDK does not include all features, only the ones which were available in the v2. When integrating via the API you have more control over the Javascript packages used.
The Javascript SDK has the following packages as dependencies;
Update a v2 application to v3
For updating your web application first of all you need to use the new Javascript SDK. After this there are some differences in using the SDK from the v2.
The configuration from the v2 has changed, we simplified this.
The v2 had the following configuration options;
With the v3 this is significantly simplified to the following;
Some of the config options of the v3 are still in review and can be removed up until the final release of the v3, in the table below you will find more information
After you've created your configuration object you can do the initialisation of the Trust1Connector SDK. This has largely remained the same except for the error codes.
V2 example:
V3 example;
Last updated