Backwards compatibilty

Overview of the compatibility between v1 - v2 of T1C-GCL and T1C-JS

T1C-GCL v1.x

T1C-GCL v2.x

T1C-JS v1.x


OK, will use v1 fallback endpoint, only v1.2.5 functionality available

T1C-JS v2.x

NOK, will return error during initialisation until T1C-GCL upgraded to v2.x


Initialising JS v2.x with an installed GCL v1.x will result in the following error:

new T1CLibException(400, '301',    'Installed GCL version is not v2 compatible. Please update to a compatible version.', client)
  • HTTP status code: 400 Bad Request

  • Error code: 301

  • Error message: 'Installed GCL version is not v2 compatible. Please update to a compatible version.'

Attached to the error is a minimal client, which can be used to download a compatible GCL version.

Last updated