
Trust1Connector v3 Documentation

A Word of Introduction

The Trust1Connector Javascript SDK is a library that functions as a proxy towards the Trust1Connector API. This Library does not contain any business logic and is a refernce implementation for the Trust1Connector API (HTTP/JSON).

Sample code uses ES6 language features such as arrow functions and promises. For compatibility with IE11, code written with these features must be either transpiled using tools like Babel or refactored accordingly using callbacks which are also available on the Trust1Connector Javascript SDK.

The Trust1Connector is a middleware which interacts with hardware tokens and system certificate stores (where certificates are stored and protected within the operating system).

Trust1Connector's ambitions

The ambitions of the Trust1Connector is to:

  • provide a generic interface to hardware tokens and smart cards

  • operating system agnostic (works for all operating systems)

  • browser agnostic (not depending on a browser plugin)

  • facilitate the onboarding and identity dematrialization

  • facilitate the derivation towards a mobile identity

  • favours a decentralized approach and privacy-first

  • facilitate user authentication and digital signatures

  • facilitates identity information validation and secured transport

  • favours a Zero-Knowledge approach

Last updated