

The Trust1Connector print module provides the integrator the ability to communicate with local printers. It provides an interface to retrieve the available printers and then execute a specific print job on one of those printers.


Below you can find the interface of the Trust1Connector print module.

export interface AbstractRawPrint {
    list( callback?: (error: T1CLibException, data: PrinterListResponse) => void): Promise<PrinterListResponse>;
    print(name: string, job: string, data: string, callback?: (error: T1CLibException, data: PrintResponse) => void): Promise<PrintResponse>;

Model Objects

Below you can find the available models for Trust1Connector print module which are used in the interface.

export class PrinterList {
    constructor(public printers: Array<string>) {}

export class PrinterListResponse extends T1CResponse {
    constructor(public data: PrinterList, public success: boolean) {
        super(success, data);

export class Print {
    constructor(public printed: boolean) {}

export class PrintResponse extends T1CResponse {
    constructor(public data: Print, public success: boolean) {
        super(success, data);

Get Printer module object

Before we can use the print module we need to Initialise the Trust1Connector. The code sample below is a simplified version, for the complete initialise flow you can see Integration in Web Applications

T1CSdk.T1CClient.initialize(config).then(res => {
    client = res;
}, err => {

After you've initialised the Trust1Connector you can use the client/response of the initialise function to instantiate the rawprint module. Later on we can keep using this module to execute various print functions provided by the Trust1Connector interface.

var print = client.rawprint();

In the example below we execute the list function available in the rawprint module. Here we use the callback mechanism but a Promise is also available as defined in the interface

function callback(err,data) {
    if(err){console.log("Error:",JSON.stringify(err, null, '  '));}
    else {console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, '  '));}


The list function provides an iterator of all the available printers locally. These will return as identifiers that can be used when executing a print action as described in the Print function


An example callback:

function callback(err,data) {
        console.log("Error:",JSON.stringify(err, null, '  '));
    else {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, '  '));


 "printers": ["123"],


The Print function available on the interface provides print capabilities via the Trust1Connector. Here you need to specify the print job name, a name for the printer which can be fetched via the List function and the Data.

The data block needs to be base64 encoded.

const name = "test"
const job = "test-job-01"
const data = "SSdtIGRlZmluaXRseSBub3QgYSBNQUxBS0E="
client.rawprint().print(name, job, data, callback);

An example callback:

function callback(err,data) {
        console.log("Error:",JSON.stringify(err, null, '  '));
    else {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, '  '));

The print function will respond with a True or False depending on wether the command succeeded or failed.

 "printed": true/false,

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