Manage Membership


For organizations you have created, you are by default the membership manager.

In any organization where you have the Owner role, you can manage membership.

Organization Accesibility :

  • public: anyone can request to join the organization

  • private: only people invited by the Owner will be able to join the organization


  • Owner

  • Developer

  • Watcher


  1. Go to the specific organization overview page and navigate to the Members tab:

  2. Click the Add Member button and the newly opened modal requests you to provide member details:

  3. You can provide the name or e-mail address and you specify the role for the new member, for example:

  4. Ready? Click the Add button.

Note that in order to add a user by e-mail, that user must already have logged in to the marketplace at least once.


The new member is added to the organization. He receives an e-mail notification.

Last updated