Release Notes
Simple Sign Release notes
Release notes - SimpleSign - t1c-rust-sign-app_v0.3.2
support for Belgian eID 1.8 applet
fix the PDF out of bounds issue when placing signature on a non-A4 PDF document
add check for existing SmartID account
Release notes - SimpleSign - t1c-rust-sign-app_v0.3.1
Initial Release of Simple Sign (Free version)
integration of the Trust1Connector to access Belgian eID
integration of SmartID for mobile digital signatures
update of the esig-dss container for EIdAS compliance
The user interface is straight forward, but customer reviews and customer feedback is welcome.
Release notes - SimpleSign - t1c-rust-sign-app_v0.2.5
SISI-65 Validation on windows panics and is not showing anything (OSX ok)
SISI-70 Validation of a document that is signed with a valid and an invalid signature is not correctly reported
SISI-71 Signbox and Validation do not turn Green when starting the application
SISI-72 Signing a document when a 1.7 and 1.8 card are connected via (non-vasco) readers to a mac
SISI-77 Validating a signed document in the handle tab gives another result than validating the same document in the validation tab
SISI-79 Issue with state switcher (reader|truststore) after a failed signature (reader || truststore)
SISI-80 Reader 111 Error from T1C when signing using the T1C airbus module
SISI-87 Using the T1C custom module during signing returns error
SISI-89 VP should display CN name of end-user certificate a 'Signed by'
SISI-99 File upload UI must show spinner when uploading
SISI-106 SimpleSign blocks when signing a second document
SISI-81 Improve visual representation (image, role, location, timestamp, subject CN)
SISI-82 Check for PDF || PDFA and set the UI status correctly
SISI-83 New validation and signbox API
SISI-84 As a user I want to use the latest esig-dss version (6.0)
SISI-85 As a user I want to know the reasons for PDF/A verficiation to fail
SISI-86 As a user I want the PDFA verification, to be done after updload, as an async process, so I can upload documents faster
SISI-88 Update Visual Representation image for customer -> setup configuration profiles
SISI-96 Provide T1T branding
SISI-100 Upload PDF with async PDF/A check
SISI-101 Store in app config Digest and pades profile
Last updated